Thursday 5 April 2012

Feedback : Final Product

1) Could you identify that the genre was horror?

All of our feedback suggested that the audience knew the opening sequence was based on a horror/thriller genre.

2) Do you understand what is going on in the opening of 'The Worst Is Yet To Come'?

Again, our audience felt that there was a 'very clear storyline to follow' and that they all suggested they understood what was happening throughout.

3) What did you think about the sound effects and voice overs? Do you think they are used well?

The feedback for this was very positive, with the audience commenting on how it 'creates spookiness and terror', 'it sends a shiver up your spine' and 'it creates tension well to the build up of what is going to happen'.

4) Do our transitions work well, going from scene to scene?

Our audience believed that they were effective and added tension to our opening, 'the jumpy bit with all of the fast, short clips at the beginning is choppy but still flows really well together and you can follow what is happening with no confusion, its scary!' is one comment about the transitions.

5) After seeing 2 minutes of the opening would you stay and watch the rest of the film?

The feedback that we received suggested that our opening sequence was interesting enough to watch more of, as every person from our audience said that they would of like to have seen the rest of the film and how it continued. One response said 'i would like to know whether the girl lives or dies', this is one of the questions we hoped would go through the audience mind as the eye never opened when she fell to the ground. 

6) Do you think that we have used the right camera shots/angles to show what is going on?

It was shown by our audience that our 'editing and shots show a clear focus on the main character' and 'in the first shots the different angles the character is shown by lets us see everything without having the camera focusing on her for a long period of time.'

7) Do you think that we have contained the necessary information to make the opening interesting?

The responses to this were yet again positive, with people commenting on the 'detail of the story line shown' and how the 'props were included in an interesting way'.

8) Do you think that the cut from the two very different scenes, work well together?

The feedback to this question were mixed as some commented on how 'the screen jumped too quickly from an eye to a girl in a bedroom, the tension was built up and stopped at nothing, to then carry on a storyline' while others commented saying that 'it worked well as when the eye was opened and it faded into the girls bedroom it was almost like she was having a flashback  or a dream, which gets the audience imagining'.

9) Do you think that the locations fit well with the story line?

The response to this question was again positive as they said 'in the first scene the location was scary, dark, rainy, stormy, spooky which with the quick shots made you even more scared whereas the second scene was bright colours and set in the daytime which makes you think of a positive environment, a big contrast to the first location, but works well!'

10) Additional Comments?

Lots of comments seemed to say that our product was 'very well done' or 'very good' or people telling us that they would 'watch that film in the cinema'. This was really good news to hear as it made us feel positive about our product and that we did well.

Overall, the feedback that we received was highly positive which suggests that the audeince did enjoy our product that we have created.

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