Tuesday 8 November 2011

Preliminary Exercise

Evaluation for AS Prelim
For this task I worked with Emma Smith, whilst I filmed, Emma took the pictures for the storyboard. Then I edited the piece of film on iMovie. We did come across some problems when it came to the filming as we filmed the piece on my own personal camera, but when we brought it to school we were to find out that it was not compatible with the computers here. Therefore we had to plan and start again and film the whole thing on a school camera. This was a disadvantage but we soon picked up and knew what we had to do, so carried on and successfully finished it on time even though the given space for the task was one week!
The basic storyline of the task we got set to do was for a character to open a door, walk across a room towards another character and transfer a few lines between them. When the conversations were to be happening you would have to show basic skills of the 180 degree rule and not ‘cross the line’. I successfully believe that I completed all of these points within my short piece of film.
The characters we used were friends of ours who are also media students, and because of our first problem we had they were a handy source to use. These were Sam Ling and Peter Remon, when in our first piece it was different people which meant that the people in our storyboard are different to the people in our final piece.
Overall however i believe that I included the right shots and camera angles needed to help the screen to give a more professional touch. As well as all of the clips flowing from one to another and successfully using the 180 degree rule too.

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