Tuesday 22 November 2011

Genre and the Codes and Conventions

One of the first decisions that had to be made was what genre was the opening sequence going to be? As i have already said we had an idea and had researched on the chick flick for a London based 'Sex in the City' we were so set on this genre and this idea as this is what we could relate to and what we enjoyed watching ourselves. Personally a rom-com or a girly chick flick would be my top choice when choosing a genre of film to watch.  But when we came across obstacles we then had to either change the idea and stick to the same genre which would more or less have the same kind of storyline seen as it would be sharing the same codes and conventions, or change the genre altogether and pick a totally new one. 

We decided that it would be easier and we chose to pick a different genre which was then a HORROR/THRILLER this we felt was quite easy to do when done properly without looking like it is meant to be a joke. It is also very easy to go wrong. I researched into horror and thriller films and then noted that there are a number of codes and conventions that usually appear in horror films. 
The main codes and conventions that feature were;
  • The soundtrack is usually very slow, usually made this way through the use of classical instruments. Many horror films will have the music playing at a low volume to start with and then this increases in volume up to the point where the action happens, this is used to create tension. There is also the use of sudden sharp music at point in the film where suspense is being built up. This puts the audience on edge and makes it more jumpy.
  • Throughout long shots are used a lot. This creates a strong sense of place and makes everything more creepy, and often to prove an isolated atmosphere. Close-ups are not always used as their main principal is to convey emotion which is not always needed as it can be shown through other ways in this genre. 
  • The lighting is usually very dark. This is used because then it creates terror, to show the audience that the character can see very little and feel the tension in which that this causes.
  • The weather is usually stormy when the main action takes place, this can relate the feeling of the character. 
  • The most vulnerable characters are usually females. This is because they are stereotyped as the 'weaker sex'. Whereas males are usually portrayed as the stronger character who usually has to protect the female
  • The killer will usually have a trademark that makes them unique, this could be the way that they kill or the way that they look. They are shown as to have very little feelings or emotion when they hurt or kill others and if anyone attempts to fight back they seem to appear unaffected. 
  • Screaming is often used throughout. Weapons are also another convention which is used a lot with the most common weapon used being a knife. As well as blood being another major icon of the horror genre.
  • Jump cuts are the most common way that are used to change shots throughout horror films. The reason for this is because it then creates a feeling of tension and when a number of small shots are edited in this way in a short space of time it then creates a sense of confusion and the audience automatically feels a sense of needing to be scared when it is necessary and this technique is used.

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