Tuesday 22 November 2011

Research of Horror and Thriller Movies

I also watched a number of DVD's which would be related to the genre of the film sequence i would like to create, this included mainly horrors and thrillers. Below i will talk about each separate film for the opening 2 minutes and how they have decided to introduce us into the film.

-setting the scene (fishing with dad)
-backing music
-"father and son moment"
-switching from scene to scene
-climax (car accident)
-dad is killed but the boy survives
-music changes, more dramatic
"1 year later..."

-straight into setting the scene
-dark, night time
-wind and breathing noises
-titles then come on screen
-switches to day time
-argument between characters
-argument left unresolved

-titles with backing music - slow music for a more dramatic effect
-set in a spooky house
-backing music then suddenly stops.... SILENCE!
-noises were then heard (from the left of the screen)
-sound effects then added to create tension
-character then goes up to the loft (which is in darkness)
-creaky floor boards as he walks up towards the loft
-light turned on and this scary figure appears
-girl then dies
-back to reality and then a story starts

-"he who possesses the spear of destiny holds the fate of the world in his hands"
-"the spear of destiny has been missing since the end of World War II"
-silence other than surroundings
-scene it set (mexico)
-digging, the spear of destiny is then found
-character that found the spear is then hit by a car but survives
-titles then appear on screen, with a dark mysterious background
-then goes into a story, new scene is set (LA, America)

*in black and white*
-" in the 6th century BC. It was believed that the spirit of the dead would speak through the stomach region of the living"
-"From the latin VENTER for "belly" and LOQUI "to speak"
-"Hence the word VENTRILOQUIST"
-titles then appear on screen with the background image
-background image of sketching dolls
-red writing (which can either have a meaning of blood or danger)
-spooky music which is getting faster building tension
-making the dummies out of wood
-"How to make the perfect doll"
-music then gets faster to make the whole shot seem more dramatic - no speech
-the camera ends the shot on the last 'dummy'
-extreme close up of the eye
-camera zooms through the eye which fades into the characters and then the story line
*in full colour*
-creaking floorboards outside - knock on the door
-parcel left on doorstep which is containing the ventriloquist doll
-backing music then begins as they open the box and start to play around with the doll
-"beware of the stare of mary shaw, she had no children only dolls, if you see her in your dreams, be sure you never ever scream"

-dark night (thunderstorm) - usually means something bad is going to happen or is happening
-backing music is slow but loud, it is then joined by radio music
-shows a man running through the rain
-he enters in the 'ghost' BnB
-man staying in paranormal room in attic
-titles then appear across screen as image plays
-background music is slow but also high pitched
-he is then recording himself on the tape recorder
-then writing a book "10 most haunted hotels"

-water sports down a waterfall (3 women) with a little girl and dad watching
-slow background music
-family then going home, there is a car accident (pole goes through the mans head)
-there is a black out screen
-next shot to appear on the screen is a girl blowing out candles on a cake
-then switches to a woman in a hospital corridor hearing voices, fast breathing
-all the lights going out
-screaming and falling into a friends arm
-then goes back to reality (hallucinating)
-the little girl dies
-titles then appear on screen and there is a black background with a single spotlight
-the scene is then set
-"1 year later.." Appalachian Mountain USA

-the scene is set and there is a voiceover which then turns into a character reading a book in a hospital to a sick man, the man then dies
-switches from scene to a landscape shot
-they are then packing up the dead mans items and belongings
-country background music
-family want nothing to do with the dead man
-character seeking a new job for a career
-fast upbeat music then turns into slow motion
-they are in a car driving to the middle of nowhere
-there is a creepy house which is also a care home
-house is very old and everything is creaking

-titles appear on screen straight away with a black background, screaming in the background
-phone then rings and there is a mysterious man on the other end
-phone rings again and it is the same man
-phone rings a third time and it is still the same man
-girl is home alone
-phone rings a fourth time and it is the same man
-phone rings a fifth time and it is the same man
-girl locks herself in the house
-the man on the phone says he is watching and threatens to kill her
-"wants to play a game"
-slow background music adds dramatic tension
-man then kills the characters boyfriend

-the scene is set- at the theatre to see a scary film
-you get masks as you enter the film
-background music slows
-switches from real life into the film
-the girl goes to get popcorn - boyfriend scares her
-boy then goes to the toilet and the girl goes back on her own
-the boys hears voices in the cubical next to him so he puts his head against the door and gets stabbed in the side of his face
-someone then comes back and sits with the girl who has the mask on pretending to be her boyfriend
-he then stabs the girl in the cinema
-backing music then adds more tension
-titles then appear on the screen
-there is a new scene set - girl answering phone to a mysterious man

-scene set at night, birds eye view from a helicopter
-man in car then gets a phone call from a mysterious woman
-woman's voice then turns into a mans voice
-"want to play a game"
-outside his girlfriends room (threatening to kill her)
-the man then races to hers to the rescue
-background music is soft
-music turns on downstairs in girlfriends house
-a lot of close ups used which is to create tension and show emotion
-killer then pretends to be the boyfriend
-relates back to scream 1 and 2
-boyfriend then arrives and there is no sign of the girl so he then grabs a weapon
-slow tense backing music begins
-girl the attacks the boyfriend thinking that he is the killer
-this ends up in both the girl and boy dying
-titles then appear on the screen
-a new scene is set
-backing music begins straight away

-"Based on a true story"
-dates November 13, 1974 (13 is supposedly an unlucky number)
-black and white
-fast cut montage of images (blury)
-voices saying " catch them, kill them"
-Hyponosis images
-"evil is a proof of God"
-3:15am (thunder and lightening) shows something bad is going to happen
-man then goes up from the basement with a shot gun
-stands and stares out of the window at a boat house
-goes up to the bedroom and shoots mum and dad
-these gun shots then wake up a little girl
-goes into the little boys room and covers them with a duvet and shoots them
-little girl is hid in the wardrobe "i love you jodie" and then shoots her
-zooms out to show house, creaking sign "high hopes"
-titles, with phone call in background to police
-images of the dead family
-news, murder investigation
"1 year later..."
-new scene, dear park long island
-story then begins

-night time (darkness, black, scary colour)
-spooky house
-2 girls home alone watching tv
-trying to scare eachother
-phone then rings and the girls go down to answer it
-tv turns on itslef, the girl turns it off but it turns back on so she unplugs it and sees somehting behind her in reflection
-calls up her friend but no reply
-runs upstairs to see water coming out of her bedroom door
-enters room........ empty
-tv is on, fuzzy tape
-fast cut montage of images of well and tree
-screen then goes fuzzy
-new scene is then set in school

-backing music slow and grand
-night time (dark, spooky)
-scene set at the beach
-birds eye view of the waves, close up on waves
-switches from scene to scene of water
-goes to a scene in a home
-boy and a girl home alone and they then watch a scary movie
-tense music
-boy then leaves the room and the girl puts on film
-switches shots from girl to boy and back and forth
-music is rising and getting faster, (building tension)
-girl watches tape
-phone rings, mate on the phone
-blood then comes under the door (imagination)
-girl couldn't watch tape
-boy is killed by girl from tape
-fast cut montage of black and white images
-scary organ backing music then comes on, screaming
-screen then goes fuzzy
-new scene then begins and the story then starts!

-starts with spooky slow backing music
-titles then appear with moving images behind them
-finishes on "this is the end"
-senior trip to paris
-at airport saying goodbye to family
-airport flight screens messing up (imagination)
-board plane
-thunder and lightening (this means that something bad may happen or is happening)
-screaming baby
-has a dream that the plane will crash
-dream then begins to become reality
-creates a scene, gets of a plane
-a few others follow
-dream comes true and the plane blows up
-dramatic backing music adds tension

-news report - 1 year anniversary of plane crash
-voice over of a news report while images shown of characters and objects relating to film
-road trip
-music on radio relating to film "Highway to hell"
-main girl character day dreams of a car crash
-day dream becomes true
-PANIC! background music then builds up which creates tension
-stops traffic
-whole day dream then becomes true and there is a big car crash
-friends killed
-switches scene to police station
-story dies down
(this is also linked with first film)

-titles appear on screen with moving images relating to the film in the background
-spooky backing music with screams too
-at a theme park
-taking pictures -picture messes up "high drive" "High Di c"
-Go to ride scary roller coaster
-Girl then has doubts about the ride because she is scared
-same girl then has a vision that the roller coaster will crash
-gets off the roller coaster and some people follow her
-watches as the roller coaster crashes just like her vision
-black screen SILENCE
-new scene (peaceful) new setting

the majority of the horrors contain a main event connected to the story line of the film, this is linked together with a line such as "1 year later..". They also contain a lot of background music as this adds to the tension and helps to build a suspense. Quite a few contain a mysterious phone call from an unknown number, and this really creeps out the audience too. These are the sort of conventions i will use in my piece

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