Sunday 5 February 2012

Character Representation

Here is our main character in the first scene who is played by Emma Smith;

We have dressed her in dark, dull, boring clothing which does not bring any kind of attention to the character on them being an individual person. It makes her to be very general and for the audience to believe that it could be anyone in her position. As well as not showing her face only of a few occasions and very quickly shows that the reality of it could be anyone. 

Here is our main character in the second scene;

We have dressed her in a fairly girly manner to go with the room which is mostly pink, and she is seen to be a friendly girl who would just be the same as any other regular teenage girl. This scene looks nothing like the girl in the first scene and you would hardly even know they were the same person. Her clothes in this scene are light and bright to show how positive the scene is and that at this point everything is okay rather than the dark scenes at the beginning with a negative attitude.

As she is the only character in the opening sequence she is our only chance of getting her personality and what you feel from her relate to the audience. I think as we have not given her a name makes her quite general and not to individual as well as not giving her an individual look. In this scene we tend to build some sort of relationship with her as we have already seen what is going to happen in the scene at the end. We see her fall into the trap of answering the phone call and walking towards the strange noise that she has heard when inside the audience should create a feeling of not wanting her to be hurt and to protect her.

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