Sunday 5 February 2012

Editing Clips

There are many different ways you can edit clips and below are just a few on changing the visual way of what the clip looks like. For last minute touches for changing lighting or colours that are within the clip this is a good idea. 

You can find this pop up when you hover over the clip you wish to edit, then down the drop down list to edit clip and then you can choose from the top bar where it would be the clip, video or audio that you wish to change. This is very easy to follow and use, and I had no problems when using this, to improve clips and to lighten them up when I did not know it had been filmed with such bad lighting it came in handy!

Also you can choose an option which allows you to either crop or rotate the clip that you are focusing on, I think this is a good thing as if you have extra space or something that you do not want in your clip you can cut it out and put the main focus on what you are trying to get across. It is all about making those perfections.

As well as just changing colours of the clip you can chose different themes and tones to the clip by the automatic changes that iMovie can make with just a click of a button, these different options have many different effects and can help to make your project more professional. With the clip of the close up of the phone ringing from an unknown number, it was very dark, I chose a theme that was called 'glow' and automatically the light coming from the phone brightened as well as the rest of the clip, it matched the rest of the piece perfectly then.

Below you can see the different transitions that can put between clips to either help them flow better from one to another or to start or finish a clip at a more professional standard. In the bottom right hand corner, it gives you lots of different transitions to choose from, once one is chosen you can drag it over the the exact place it is needed. Preview this and see if it is what you are looking for, and this transition can always be edited with the time it is on for. The main use of the transitions in my film we when I cross blurred the eye opening to the girl in her bedroom, as they were two very different scenes and put next to each other normally would look very, very strange. Also I inserted a 'fade to black' at the very last clip of the sequence to show that the film has stopped there, for now anyway!

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