Sunday 5 February 2012

Adding Text to a Clip

One of the main uses of text on a clip was for the opening credits. So therefore the text would have to appear towards the beginning of the piece of film. As you can see below, it is very easy to insert a piece of text on top of a clip and edit the text to your liking. This is done by clicking the 'T' below the main image on the right. Then as you can see below a series of choices of where you would like to place the text on your clip will appear and after choosing one a text box will pop up and this is where to write the text you want on the clip. After all of this has happened you can then edit the text to perfection, with different fonts, sizes, colours etc.

Below you can see all of the different ways in which you can edit the text that you have inserted onto the clip, with the different fonts and sizes.

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