Sunday 5 February 2012


In my piece of film I did not actually manually add in a piece of sound that was already on the mac, it was either a sound from the film that had been recorded or the voice over, that I created. But in my first final piece, I actually added in a school bell noise when the eye faded out to the school. This was very easy and simple to do and was simply chosen on the tabs in the bottom right hand corner and then dragged over to where the sound wanted to be played, not only did it match my clip but sounded very realistic too!!

Sound plays a big part in film, especially within a horror/thriller genre, with it mainly being used to build up tension within one clip or a series of clips. As you can see below how when you go to edit the clips you can then chose an option to see all of the audio that you can adjust. This helped when in certain scenes we had unwanted background noises we could block out tiny pieces of sound by lowering the sound on just a small of a clip.

One, very big effective piece of sound that was used within my work was the voice over that was put over the first 30 seconds of the film at the beginning. I myself spoke for the voice over and this was a curse that was meant to be "haunting" the girl shown in the film. I used a whispering voice as it was most effective and related to the images on the screen, and I believe that it worked very well together. Below is some screen grabs on how I created the voice over and put it over the certain clips that I wanted it to feature over. I was very pleased with this part of my product and i feel that it fitted in with the codes and conventions of a horror/thriller film very well.

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