Saturday 4 February 2012


Here are some photos of the location that we used for the first 30 seconds of the film;

When we were coming up with ideas for our final piece we had to think of this in detail, so all ideas had to include the location and the key concepts of the location and if it fitted in with the story. Our first location was actually set within our school of Queensbury Upper School however in the scene it is not clear that it is set in a school ground. The colours in the location are bland and boring and nothing really is very interesting to look at. This is good as it makes the film more general so the audience can relate and imagine that it may have been somewhere they know and what is happening may also happen to them too! It was key to make sure that we were shooting our piece of film at the right time of day and when filming on different days that the location looked exactly the same as it did the previous time. This made sure that it was to a level of professionalism and looked realistic.

Here are some photos of my second location ;

The second location was my own bedroom, this was used because quite frankly we needed to use a bedroom. The last scene is meant to be the 'normal' teenager in her bedroom doing 'normal' things that teenagers do, listening to music, on the laptop etc. The room is based on pinks blacks and white colours, and is quite girly. It gives off a happy friendly environment, not something to expect that anything could go wrong. This helped us as because this is so realistic it could relate to the audience, which may spook them out and make them want to watch more and more. Showing that 'this curse' could really happen to anyone.

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